Educational Issues between Rich and Poor Countries

Just like in other aspects, there is a growing concern about the educational gap between the richer and poorer countries.  There is a trend that education in rich countries is continuously improving while in poorer countries, education is deteriorating.


  1. Poor Government Funding on Poor Countries in Contrast with the Overflowing Support in Rich Countries. Poor countries despite their effort in enhancing their educational system, they do not really put too much budget on it because funds are mostly allocated in military improvement or economics. Meanwhile, in rich countries, education is given much importance that is why their educational system has improved tremendously.
  2. Poverty is not Properly Addressed in Poor Countries. Some underdeveloped countries do not really focus too much in alleviating poverty. If people’s living condition is not improved, they will not be able to get educated. More children will continue to suffer and their number is admittedly increasing. However, in developed countries, as much as possible, there should be no citizen living in poor condition. Because of this, people can have at least secondary or vocational education if not university education


Poor countries should realize the great importance of education in improving the overall development of a country. Once this is done, the government of poor countries can modify its financial plans putting more emphasis on education. This way, schools can have more resources to improve methods in educating students. More equipment and laboratories will be provided so that students can experience a more realistic training and not just based on theories.