Individualized instruction is a technique of instruction in which content, instructional materials, instructional media, and pace of learning are based upon the abilities and interests of each individual learner. Individualized instruction is not the same as a one-to-one student/teacher ratio or one-to-one tutoring, as it may seem, because economically, it is challenging, if not impossible
School Hours: Should We Extend It?
How much is enough when it comes to school hours? Do the students really need to spend longer hours in school? Although extending the school day could benefit the country by increasing better trained and more competitive workers, a lot of parents are not happy with this. Extending the school day might deny older students
Learning Worth the Energy
So why the need to have students predict, engage, reflect, and monitor? It has to do with dividing learning events into segments that students feel confident about learning. In survival terms, withholding effort is useful when there is low expectation of success. This response will benefit a fox living in a region with limited prey when
Educational Issues between Rich and Poor Countries
Just like in other aspects, there is a growing concern about the educational gap between the richer and poorer countries. There is a trend that education in rich countries is continuously improving while in poorer countries, education is deteriorating. Causes Poor Government Funding on Poor Countries in Contrast with the Overflowing Support in Rich Countries. Poor